Did Jesus Really Rise From the Dead? Press Release
Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? Interview Questions
Contact: Janni Firestone
Evaluating Resurrection Evidence
Wheaton IL—Is Jesus’s resurrection a verifiable, historical event? In his new book, Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?, author Thomas A. Miller, MD helps readers see that the evidence supporting the resurrection is exceedingly compelling and can stand up under even the toughest scrutiny.
Miller is acquainted with the skepticism and unbelief prevailing outside the church. He fills a unique void by engaging this doctrine from the perspective of a surgeon- scientist. “People want compelling evidence,” Miller says. “I believe that truth matters. But for truth to have any meaning, it must have an unshakable foundation, with evidence that is consistent and dependable. This is what makes science so appealing.”
Miller challenges the notion that modern medicine disproves the possibility of the resurrection. He assesses the historical reliability of the documents, evaluates the credibility of the witnesses, and identifies the consequences following the event, powerfully reflecting on the significance of the empty tomb for today.
“The only reason I buy all of this and that I call myself a Christian is because I believe the resurrection took place,” Miller explains. “If this event really occurred, then it defends the existence of the supernatural and the reality of the eternal.”